Dampness can cause weight gain, sluggishness,
and a lack of motivation

What is dampness?
Damp is a term acupuncturists use when the fluids of the body aren’t being processed correctly, leading to a buildup that can settle in and make itself at home in almost any area of the body. Think of how you feel on a foggy, rainy day. Now imagine that fogginess sitting silently inside your body. You would feel heavy, bloated, and slow. You would be more comfortable just sitting around, rather than engaging in movement. Your thoughts might be a bit confused, rather than clear and concise. This is what happens when there is an infestation of dampness.
Dampness can manifest in many different parts of the body

Dampness in the head can result in persistent dull headaches, that may give the sensation of a tight headband. It can also cause sinus pain, stuffy noses, and foggy mind.
Dampness in the body can manifest as a concentrated pain. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, arthritis is categorized as a damp pain because it stays in one place and is aggravated by changing temperatures and environmental factors.
The challenge with dampness is that it creates a self-propelling cycle. Your body would feel better if you got up and moved, but the dampness puts you into a stagnant and tired state that makes that difficult. Fortunately, acupuncture and herbs are wonderful options for getting rid of this dampness.
3 Points to Alleviate Dampness
Having dampness in the body is uncomfortable, but these acupuncture points have been shown to help relieve the discomfort. Press or use a gentle circular motion for 1-3 minutes at each point to assist your body in beginning to resolve dampness.

Stomach 36 - Also known as Zusanli, ST 36 is a great point to use when dampness occurs due to the weather. This point is located between the lower border of the knee and the outer border of the large bone located below the knee.

Spleen 9 - This is a powerful point! Yinlingquan's (Spleen 9) main function in Chinese medicine is to resolve that pesky “dampness”. Here’s a tip on how to locate it: put a finger on your ankle bone and trace it all the way up the (tibia) bone until you meet resistance, right below the inside of the knee. In that slight depression is Spleen 9 and it is typically a bit tender when pressure is applied.

Stomach 8 - Touwei is another fantastic point that can be used when trying to alleviate headache pain caused by dampness. By using this point you will be back on your feet again and will find the sensation of your headaches has dissipated. To find this point find the corner of the forehead and go into the hairline slightly.
Fortunately, acupuncture and herbs are wonderful options for getting rid of this dampness. If you are experiencing symptoms associated with dampness, please don’t
hesitate, schedule your appointment today,
Yours in health & wellness,

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the symptoms associated with dampness, try out our New Patient Special and see if Acupuncture can help you!